Doe mee aan het DLIS / GO 'Summer Institute 2023'
GO verzorgt, in samenwerking met, het Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS) van the University of the West Indies (UWI) een 3-daagse online 'Summer Institute' met als thema 'AI in Information Services'.
The 2023 DLIS/GO Summer Institute aims to bring together professionals from various fields to discuss and explore the impact of AI on information services. The three-day virtual event will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive workshops that will provide valuable insights into the use of AI in information services. Join us as we examine the latest trends, innovations, and challenges faced by information services in implementing AI. Register to attend sessions which will focus on the current applications of AI, its potential to revolutionize the field, and the ethical considerations that come with its use.
Invited speakers include experts from the fields of AI, information services, and academia, who will share their knowledge and experiences in implementing AI in information services. The Summer Institute will also provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration among the attendees, fostering partnerships that will drive the field forward for current and future library services for all stakeholders.
We expect that the 2023 Summer Institute will be an enriching experience for all of our attendees, and we look forward to hearing your valuable insights and perspectives on the role of AI in information services.
Visit the website for the program (more speakers will be added) and and subscription !